Hello, Therapists, Light Workers and all Healers
Thank you for your services to others. I have great respect and appreciation for the work you do to safely support and guide clients in healing and transformation.
I believe my system of Cardology Charting can strengthen your practice by offering insight into your clients hidden road blocks or what might be better described as life's obstacles. I call it, finding the "Catch 22". A person's own unique challenge that has them stuck in an unhappy pattern.
My methodology is a combination of western astrology, Vedic astrology and Cardology, an ancient practice of using a deck of 52 cards as a calendar year. Used together it reveals how a person perceives, feels and acts around their strengths and challenges. My methodology offers ways to more effectively understand, motivate and navigate through life's challenges.
If you would like to consult on behalf of a client or try it out yourself I'd be pleased to offer my services at a 20% reduced price. I don't need a name, just the birth information and a consent to share information with you. I'm confident that you'll be amazed by the depth of insight that cardology charting can lend to your healing practice. I have consent to share with you another healer's testimony if you'd like. Just ask me.​
"The two most important days in your life are, the day you are born and the day you find out why." Mark Twain a 3 of Heart
Below I've put a link to a sample Cardology Chart reading about Carole King's journey as a 3 of Spades birth card, one of the most challenging cards to be. Watch how the cards give insight and clarity
to find Carole's "Catch 22" and how she made it work for her.​
Thank you for your time and consideration. My best, Beth
I've owned and operated my own business The Yarmouth Frame and Gallery for over 30 years. Below is the history of my second passion that I've been studying over my lifetime. The Occult Sciences.
I'm a Reiki Master level III​
Ongoing study in Western and Vedic Astrology and Cardology:
Ernest Wilhelm, Robert Lee Camp, Chris Brennan, Adam Elenbaas,
Pam Gregory, Molly McCord, Cat Rose.
Ongoing study with Astrology and Psychotherapy:
Debra Silverman (Psycho Therapist and Astrologer)
Glen Perry (Astro Psychologist)
Caroline Myss (Archetypes)
Richard Schwartz Ph. D "Internal Family Systems"
The Works of Carl Jung (Analytical Psychology)
Ongoing study of cosmic energy with books like my favorites:
Steven Hawkings, "The Grand Design" "The Origin of Time"
Elieen McKusick, "Electric Body, Electric Health" using electromagnetism.
Michael J. Lincoln, PH.D. "Messages from the Body" and Problematic Patterns"
Shojai Pedram, "Inner Alchemy"
Robert E. Detzler, "The Freedom Path"
Michael A. Singer, "The Untethered Soul"
Ongoing study with guided retreats, discussion groups about
Spiritual Awakenings: Mostly with my favorite Buddhist Priest
Pema Chodron, "The Wisdom of No Escape"
Ongoing study of Philosophy:
Nietzsche and Rumi are two of my favorites
Ongoing study of the Paranormal and Extrasensory Perceptions:
The Rhine Research Center of which I am a member.
Cyndi Dale: Essential Energy Healing Technique.
Lori Williams: Remote Viewing Specialist
Also, versed and practiced with divining rod, pendulum, I Ching, cartomancy, tarot, energy shifting workshops, chakra energy healing and dream analysis.